To Cha Cha: thanks for the memories!

Hawaii, Alla Moana beach.
Credit to Chaim for putting together this awesome panoramic pic (it most have been like 5 or 6 pictures total) For those who don't know what it is, its the official Hawaii mikvah, really chasidish no? Let me tell you that mikvah really had something special to it, I mean sometimes we would even go twice a day, such holiness!
chaim put that together?
yeah- and what's up with this whole I-am-Chasidish I'm-not-Chasidish thing? is that your inner-self attempting to communicate or you just trippin?
regards to the hood, dark avenues, and broken street lights...
Home sweet home. I sure miss the chabad of hawaii crew. Those were the days.
-Rochel F
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