Saturday, April 29, 2006

From A To Z about me.

Checked out The Sabra's blog and noticed I've been tagged! So after consulting my case officer at the witness protection program and after getting approval from the guys over at the C.I.A. I took some time to work on the meme, and came to realize how little I know of myself, anyhow here is what I came up with and I hope y'all enjoy.

Accent: Brooklyn accent, and yes I talk fast too.

Booze: No I am not under the affluence of incohol! Scotch drinker, Any of the glens will do (Glenmorangie is my favorite, I stay far away from vodka, and I'll join you for a beer anytime.

Chore I Hate: I will sweep the floor, clean the table, and yes I always keep my room clean, But I HATE washing dishes.

Dogs/Cats: Younger brothers, always fighting like cats and dogs.

Essential Electronics: finally got a cell phone last year, now if only I can get myself a laptop, its been on the top of my wish-list for the past few years, guess I'll just have to keep on wishing.

Favorite Cologne: Ralph Lauren Romance, Safari, and Polo Blue, also Banana republic and CK Eternity.

Gold/Silver: My dads coin collection.

Hometown: Brooklyn Yo!

Insomnia: Sometimes I think I'm a vampire! the night time is the right time, party time. Or as my mom always asks me; why do you sleep so much now, you can sleep all you want after 120 years! Great advice, that's why I stay up all night. Then again maybe its just because I'm a morning person- One, Two, or three in the morning happen to be my favorite times of the day

Job Title: Currently acting (It seems exodus is going until shavout,) dabbling a bit in financial services, and no I did not give up on smicha.

Kids: Marriage first.

"You know your kids are growing up when they stop asking where they came from, and refuse to tell you where they are going"

Living Arrangements: After 23 years I finally got my own bedroom, and then my parent want to know why I'm in no rush to get married.

Most Admired Trait: Friendly and Humorous. Oh and modest too!

Number of sexual partners: I did not have sex with that woman! -Bill C.- define sex please. Its always fun talking to non-Jewish people and checking out their reaction when I tell them none, and then trying to explain why.

Overnight Hospital Stays: None, Thank G-d I never broke a bone or had to be hospitalized for any other reason, even though as I kid I was always envious of the kids who got to wear casts on their arms, it just looked so cool...…

Phobia: For real? This is a joke right, your just trying to trick me, what? Do you really think I am so gullible? What?

Quote: Too many to count, heck this whole meme is full of quotes! First one that comes to mind now "Why is it that my road to success is always under construction?!"

Religion: Thank G-d I'm an atheist! erf erf JEWISH duh!

Siblings: OK OK I'll tell you... 12. Yup anyone ever watch cheaper by the dozen? Never a dull moment. In my house we don't get worried when there is screaming, we get worried when there is silence.

Time I usually wake up: preferably 4 to 8 hours after I go to sleep, now what time I go to sleep is a whole different issue.

Unusual Talent: Talking and listening at the same time ;)

"talent is G-d given. Be humble. Fame is man- given. Be grateful. Conceit is self -given. Be careful."

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Celery, weird no? I love salads and all but there is just something about raw celery that turns me off.

Worst Habit: Being lazy at times, or as I prefer to call it, Unmotivated. "Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday."

X-Rays: Sure, my dentist loves taking pictures of my teeth, I never really understood why as I don't think they are the best around, Oh and that time when I was around 7 y/o when I fell of my porch and my parents though I broke my arm, fun fun fun.

Yummy Foods I Make: Sorry, I'm not that big into cooking, but I can make a killer breakfast and a great tuna sandwich oh and I know how to warm up frozen pizza to perfection!

Zodiac Sign: Pisces, fish for Adar.

DISCLAIMER: This meme is not to be used for shidduch, work, on any other kind of resume or reference. it is solely for humorous purposes :)

I hereby tag Twisted reality, Supersplatt, and NY state of mind. G'luck.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Dovid said...

Oh no! Not me! LOL. Hmmm.... Let's see what I can come up with...

At 1:24 AM, Blogger Dovid said...

Do I have to answer those particular questions, or can I substitute some of them with my own questions begining with the same letter?

At 3:07 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

I was wondering the same thing, it would have been more fun if I was able to substitute with my own, and I found some of the q's kinda weird, but I ended up sticking to the script. However I really dont know if there are any rules to tagging besides that your it, so do as you please (I guess.)

At 3:11 AM, Blogger Dovid said...

I dunno. I think I'll have to just be "it" for a while...

At 2:59 PM, Blogger the sabra said...

you can NOT change rules! (gasp!) blogging is a serious thing, not to be taken lightly. there are blogice (blog police nemo) who surf around lookin for offenders.

ach, do what you want. (but don't say u werent warned)

shaigitzle-re the quiet in the house thing, can definitely relate!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

DOVID: It's alright buddy, suit yourself, no pressure. But I would take heed to what The Sabra wrote... ;)

THEREALME: Welcome back, its good to see you in town again, didnt get to talk with ya by the l'chaim, maybe another time. (if you stay in town long enought)

THE SABRAH: LOL, love the term "blogice" Hehe, wouldnt want to offend them.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Dovid said...

I hear ya. And check out my latest link ;)

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

YAY! I made it on :) Thanx dude.

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Nemo said...

I once had a sling. All the kids in the class used to take it off of me and wear it. Nothing says Ahavas Yisroel like being able to share your misery and embarrassment with others. It doesn't seem so embarassing anymore.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

ESHET CHAYIL: Exactly, yet I never wanted to have a cast or splint in the summer c'v that would mean no sports! I always felt bad for the kid who played baseball and had to bat with one hand cuz the other was "injured", one handed basketball doesn't seems like much fun either :(

No problem for adding me to your list, thanks actually.

NEMO: LOL, sounds like you had some nice classmates, or maybe they just wanted the attention as well ;) I cant really see what's so embarrassing about wearing one, the only thing which usually is embarrassing would be HOW you got it (falling down stairs and such aint the brightest move.)

At 2:37 AM, Blogger the OTHER roomy said...

one of these days i promise to get around to filling this meme thingy out - did i notice you mentioned procrastination?

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

I hear ya dude, one of these days huh, congrats on the test, and enough with the procrasting ;)

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

what did i ever do to deserve this???o god...

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Dont panic now, you can do it!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

i i was running out...


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