Sunday, March 12, 2006

Road-Kill: The day I saw g-d

So I happened to be sitting outside on my front porch one night (two summers ago) and there was this bird that was hopping up and down, and obviously was not able to fly, it probably had a broken wing.

Anyhow my block is on a hill with the traffic going downhill , and so this bird which cant fly is walking/hopping down my block, when all of a sudden a cat jumps on the road and tried to do whatever it is it wanted to do to this poor bird, and I'm watching how this injured bird is fighting back, again and again and again... Over and over again the cat runs at the bird and tries to take it down and each time the bird fights off the cat with its wings and manages to get away and also bit further down the street.

The bird put up a real fight and finally reached the bottom of the road, by then the cat gave up and walked away, and then, right there in front of my eyes (I actually followed a bit to see what would happen) a cop car came out of nowhere and turned up my block, meaning AGAINST traffic, which basically NEVER happens!) and ran over and killed the bird!!! Oh ya needless to say I was left standing there with my mouth hanging open, and a lot to think about.

Divine providence,

Go figure, and feel free to comment.


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

Tragic story in a sense, at least the cat would have had dinner, the way it happened no one benefitted. Unless you and readers have a lesson to learn from this story?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Well thats the thing, you see its tragic and really makes no sense, i wasnt thinking much about the poor cat, if it was hungry or not, i was mainly thinking how the poor bird was stugling with all its might to escape it destiny ( we all know how long a bird with no wings would last on the streets) and it was amazing how it just didnt give up... And then just when you think it got away and cheated death... Got me thinking how some things are just meant to be and there is no escaping it, g-d has a plan, good or bad, it is all meant to be.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think in some ways us being the bird (l'havdel) the optimists would do just as that little birdie did, fight off the cat unlike the pessimist who would let the cat eat him, expecting something far worse to come his way anyway. Or is that too far fetched?

Divine providence. Yes. The oppertunity you had to witness the specific series of events and take a lesson from it, (which eventually you passed on.)

Definitely divine...

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's struggling by the way! :X

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Arghhh I thought we were done with that!

I already told you, its not my fault, there is no spell checker for comment posting :(

"The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake - you can't learn anything from being perfect."

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify. To the bird, didn't the big cat trying to eat him look like the way he would be exiting this world? If I was there watching chances are I would have stopped watching as soon as the cat was close enough to swallow expecting the food chain to come into play. So did the bird cheat fate or just prolong it? If his time was up he was much better off letting the cat eat him.

I'm gonna be vague here for lack of details but we know when your learning torah your safe from the Malach Hamoves (excuse my transliteration) so who ever it was in the story was learning till the Malach tricked him and made noise outside... fighting something that cant be fought.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Eli Sp. said...

sounds like the missing verse from chad gadya... "Along came the pig that killed the bird that got away from the cat that killed the goat that dad bought for 2 zuz"

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

TRP: how about this one, just for you.

Along came mosses who brought the plagues, that killed the royal cat FIFI, who got nowhere near the goat M, that we at exodus got for free...

At 7:28 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

...the story of our lives..


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