Monday, May 14, 2007

Jewish Mother's Answering Machine:

If you want chicken soup, press 1;
If you want matzoh balls with the soup, press 2;
If you want varnishkas, dial 3;
If you want knishes press 4;
If you want to know how am I feeling, you are calling the wrong number since nobody ever asks me how I am feeling.

A young Jewish Mother walks her son to the school bus corner on his first day of kindergarten.
"Behave, my bubaleh" she says. "Take good care of yourself and think about your Mother, tataleh!"
"And come right back home on the bus, schein kindaleh."
"Your Mommy loves you a lot, my ketsaleh!"
At the end of the school day the bus comes back and she runs to her son and hugs him.
"So what did my pupaleh learn on his first day of school?"
The boy answers, "I learned my name is David."

A young Jewish man excitedly tells his mother he's fallen in love and that he is going to get married. He says, "Just for fun, Ma, I'm going to bring over 3 women and you try and guess which one I'm going to
marry." The mother agrees.

The next day, he brings three beautiful women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they chat for a while. He then says, "Okay, Ma, guess which one I'm going to marry." She immediately replies, "The one on the right." "That's amazing, Ma. You're right. How did you know?" The Jewish mother replies, "I don't like her."

A young Jewish man calls his mother and says, "Mom, I'm bringing home a wonderful woman I want to marry. She's a Native American and her name is Shooting Star." "How nice," says his mother. "And I have an Indian name too," he says. "It's 'Running Deer' and I want you to call me that from now on." "How nice," says his mother. "You should have an Indian name too, Mom," he says. "I already do," says the mother. "You can call me Sitting Shiva."


At 7:48 AM, Blogger C said...

good stuff! my name is david lol

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

I haven't been here is awhile,and I don't knwo why.
Great laughs thanks.

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shaigitz; Do not allow the lack of comments to let you down. If we had what to say, we would write it on our own blog. (for everyone else who still have active blogs.)

Great stuff as always, keep it up.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey G. you mean your blog isn’t active???

And all this time that i spent
faithfully checking up on it :(

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wires, your blog is always active.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaheheheahha good one
iiiii liiiiiiiike ;p

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know it takes alot of energy to keep a blog open, u should have an anniversary blog, for every month/yr it stays current
kutoes to u btw


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