Monday, March 27, 2006

Smoking kills

"People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them... Well, it's killing me!"

Hmmmm one of these days I really should give up smoking, but I'm not a quitter!

Or as I always say, "they say quitting (smoking) is so good, I figured I would do it more then once" or "I decided the only time I really need to smoke is when I drink, so I made a rule, no smoking unless I'm drinking... Now I am a smoker AND a alcoholic!"

Me :)


At 10:13 AM, Blogger kasamba said...

You are tooooo cute!
Rosanne Barr once said, "I don't understand how come people are so mean to smokers?
You'd think they'd be nicer to dying people."

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Eli Sp. said...

I like this quote better, I apologize if it is in bad taste:

Thank you for Not Smoking. Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure. It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs. This takes place without my consent. I have a pleasure, also. I like a beer now and then. The residue of my pleasure is urine. Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?
~Sign from Ken's Magic Shop

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Eli Sp. said...

Sorry for double posting...

Thank heaven, I have given up smoking again!... God! I feel fit. Homicidal, but fit. A different man. Irritable, moody, depressed, rude, nervy, perhaps; but the lungs are fine.

~A.P. Herbert

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

Amen Splatt

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

KASAMBA: Why thank you. (blushing)
LOL at the quote, I'm going to have to start using it.

TRP: :) Great quotes dude! don't worry about the bad taste (or smell:) and I definitely dont mind the double posting, it all good, and always welcome.

SUPERSPLAT: ...Amen ...The end.

At 3:21 AM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

It's a fantatic idea to combie a comic and associated jokes.
Red Pen-I hope I have the guts to use that next time someone is smoking in my face!

At 11:33 AM, Blogger FrumGirl said...

You can smell a smoker from a mile away.... Not very attractive....

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

PRAG: Yeh that’s the general idea of what I try to do, combine the two, so what do you think comes first the comic or the joke ;)

FRUMG: your right, even as a smoker myself, the smell buggs me.
Now if only i can come up with a cigarette that doesn’t smell, or perhaps maybe even one that smells good... I could probably make millions of that idea :)

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Nemo said...

Or a ciggarette that doesn't kill...

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

NEMO: Hmmm, good point, now why didn't I think of that one?

Another one of my lines "smoking is like sin, we know its wrong, we were warned, and yet we still go ahead and do it"

Go figure.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Harassing me about my smoking may be hazardous to your health"
-a bumper sticker

At 11:36 PM, Blogger vintage jeans said...

Your posts are great! Always positively funny.
I saw a great anti-smoking ad. It was a dirty ashtray with a clean thick line through it and on the bottom it said "kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray".
There's a similar line to the one you use, "quitting smoking is easy, I've done it dozens of times".
Keep em coming (the posts).

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

RENEGADE: LOL, thanks for the quote.

VINTAGE:Thanks! And nice to see you here, I hope you are overcoming your loss well ;)
That ad was rather famous, I think all girls use that line as a ploy to get their husbands to be, to stop smoking before the wedding... That g-d for mint candies and cologne.

IMFULL: Don’t know about that, I never really tried to totally stop, I have been smoking less and less throughout the years (yeshiva was the worst, I was doing 2 or 3 packs a week, which trust me compared to others then, wasn’t that bad, especially in israel where i really started smoking at 17-18) as of now I haven’t bought (for) myself a pack, in the past 5 months, thing is I hang around smokers and I'm always getting from them, so once in a while I’d buy them a pack to make up for the ones I bum of 'em, so I’m basically up to a pack a week or less.

Oh also I have this thing that I don’t really smoke during the day, and never in the morning, its more of a casual things for me, like when I'm hanging out with friends or drinking/partying which is normally at night, so as I say I'm a occasional smoker, yet every day is a occasion!

TRM: You and your cigars...Oy.

Me regarding quiting smoking "If there is a will there is a way, if there is no will, then there sure as hell aint no way"


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