Friday, June 30, 2006

NOT About S***!

Post revised for sensitive readers :p

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then, try to find someone whose life is giving them vodka, and have a party."

Long story short.

After talking with some random people outside of a gathering, we came to the conclusion that...

Life is full of doo-doo, in fact most peoples life will be stricken with fecal matter at some time or another, and all people have to deal with muck, and so although you might be dealing with a poopy situation right now and all seems like cow dung, you should know that bm happens to everyone, no you aren’t that special that manure presented itself to you at this present day, cuz hey "bowel movement happens"!

And now that we know that doggy-do is actually quite common we moved on to the next part of our conversation, what to do with all that excrement???

The problem is that a lot of people when hit with kak, tend to wallow and lie in their droppings, and as if that wasn’t the worst of it, they even have the chutzpah to fling their excretion around and attempt to share their excretory product with others, which is totally not cool, I mean hey as I said before sometimes life can be kind of crappy, but please don’t drag me into your excreta, for G-d’s sake I have enough of my own!

OK, so now that we all know that ordure happens to everyone, and even more then that we also know that nobody likes fecalith, then how about trying to deal with it...

Option A. Q. What does a pig do with pig-dung? A. A pig lies in his stool, rolls in muck and doesn’t try to do anything about the waste cuz the pig is so surrounded and overtaken by all the dreck that it cares not to do anything about it and it actually has become part of its drecky lifestyle.

Option B. Q. What does a farmer do with excrement? A. A farmer will utilizes his manure and plant with this crap and grow a field from it! So while a farmer knows that he has to deal with crud just like the pig does, he instead decided that instead of just lying in it and rolling around in it until he totally stinks like doo-doo like the pig does, he instead decides to actually make something out of it, to grow from it, to gain from it, and to use it for the positive.

Bottom line: Life is full of crap, yet it all depends on what you do with this chara, you can either chose to be like a pig, to accept your turds at face value and roll around in it untill you stink like it, or be like the farmer...

Do I need to explain?

Sorry about the sober post, but I’m kinda tipsy right now, and so all my dear readers please, forgive me if you don’t understand this (although it makes perfect sense to me right now. Hmmm, maybe when I’m sober…)

G’morning, G’night, and good afternoon.

"Almost everything in life is easier to get into then out of"

Oh yah, also terrible sorry about using the word chara, hope I didnt offent anyone... ok so I dont realy care but still I'm apologizing, and only G-d knows why.

I say "When life gives you fecies, grow a rosebush"


At 9:14 AM, Blogger exsemgirl said...

Great point-well said!

How would we appreciate the good times if we never had any shit to deal with??

Happy hangover :)

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,,,,I like this!
PS...."allot" is spelled "alot"

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

or not!!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger kasamba said...

Well, people poop....

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit dosnt happen, assholes make it.

At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wouldve been a great post if u didnt use that word about a million times, its just so low....and sounds your post after your hangover and you will see what I am talking about.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Sorry for the blogarity.

At 6:00 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

blol (zero points if you get that one)

v'lo matim l'chossid shel harebbe lidaber kacha.

G-d gives challenges and G-d gives tests and G-d gives each of His children the necessary strength to pass.

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

k, e/o shut up. Good post, ur only mistake was apologizing. Yeh, maybe its a little off, but the post wouldve been lacking without it.
PS - SN - whoever you are - "ALLOT" or "ALOT" is actually "A LOT"! Two words, buddy, two words.

CS: Woah. Quite an interesting post.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

very inspiring message! hope your summer is treatign u well!

At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great content, but I have to agree with Sabra's hebrew statement.

There's always, "poop," "fecies," or even "Kak." But no these words. Please.

At 4:55 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

SABRA: Changed it just for you.

"Open criticism is good... when it comes from the heart"

S: Thanks for the backup,
but for world peace I decided to revise.

LOL guess I did manage quite ALLOT of mistookes.

SUPERS: Summers is coming along great B'h, hope your is the same.

JEMINA3: LOL, wasnt feeling that bad in the morning thank G-d, besides when I'm in a bad mood I try to get greedy and NOT share it with others.

SHAMED: Anonymous criticism... I have plenty to respond... arghhh but I wont bother.

Oh hope your happy now, thanks for giving me some words to use.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I love this stuff now. I can so relate toilet training my daughter.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"S" youre right,,,,its a lot! my mistake!!!!

At 12:39 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

i appreciate that, chasidishe shaigitz.



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