Sunday, September 17, 2006

Shavua tov everyone! Just want to share some cute (blogworthy) family stories which came up by the shabbos table, enjoy.

My father happens to be into the stock market somewhat, more of an observer then investor these days, anyhow a couple of years back one of my younger brothers (who was quite young at that time) was having a conversation with my dad, my father was explaining to him about the market and about how a certain stock had recently crashed and all the investors had lost their pants “Oh no, that’s terrible!” exclaimed my brother, “Yep, Its sure is” agreed my dad, thinking that my brother was catching on, until my brother further exclaimed “if they all lost their pants, then how are they going to walk home?

Another time my father was driving in the car with one of my younger sisters and they happened to be driving under the Holland tunnel when my dad remarked “you know, right now we are driving under the ocean” My sister tuned wide eyed and asked my dad “you mean we are driving under water? To which my dad replies “Yes, we sure are” and then my sister turns back to back dad and curiously asks “But where are all the fish???

Let me tell you, G-d knew what he was doing by making little kids cute... (Try to imagine a little kid without the yummy cuteness… Nahhhh, better yet, DON’T!)

Favorite joke of the table, sorry it’s a blond joke.

Library; Silence please.

A Blond walks into a library, sees the librarian sitting behind the desk and exclaims “I’m looking for apples, DO YOU SELL APPLES HERE?

“Miss, this is a library...” replies the librarian

“Oh I’m so sorry says the blond, and this time she asks in a hushed voice “but do you sell apples?”


Thank you Renegade for bringing back some good old memories, Oh man, that picture is great and really worth a whole post on its own, yet I'm really not up to writing about it now (at 4:30am) maybe another time...

Shavua tov and K'siva vachasima tova to all!


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Sara with NO H said...

I thought that I would share that at the the shabbes table I tried telling the tie joke from your last post. I said it pretty much word for word and NO ONE GOT IT!! They were all lughing until the end when they just sort of said and what happened next? Was he ok?

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey c/s did your mom see that fridge???? gimme her phone number.......

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

THENEXT: LOL Cute (but sick) I guess for some people the baby saying "he is so cute I can eat him" has a whole different meaning :(

I agree with you about bud, as renegade pointed out (somewhere) that it was my roommate who had bought the bud, I bought the Kirin itchiban which I like to think of as the Japanese version of corona, but only better.

SARA: Oy you poor thing, don’t worry its must have been the crowd (and not the way you told the joke) as must people laugh at the END of the joke while these people were laughing only until the end... (Hope I didn’t just insult your family) what kind of question is that "what he ok?" it’s a freaking joke!

AMOM: Hehe, my mom away from mom.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm brilliant blog!
you have my email, you email me first.


At 3:45 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

nu tachlis did they sell apples?

(that q's from me...)

At 3:28 PM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Very cute and no I am not offended even though I am a blond.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

SPICY: Thank you, I learnt from the best ;)

SABRA: Narf, (That A. is from be as well ;)

SOCIAL: Hmmm a smart blond :)

At 10:59 PM, Blogger the sabra said...

be? someone has a cold...

At 4:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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