Raod Trip Pics
My home away from home, Camping, Vermont.
Funny that I was eating more on the road trip then I usually eat at home.
G and his diet coke, this ones for you dude. I still cant stand that suff, but when you hike up a mountain and thats it you got...
Friends. This ones my favorite pic, just a bit sorry that I was taking the picture and didn't get to be in it.
Hiking the appalachian trail
One of the many awesome views, hiking the beehive in Acadia National Park
Sunset in Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Waiting for sunrise somewhere in White Mountains National Forest , New Hapshire
The funniest pic of the road trip, Sign on a public trash can in Maine at one of the rest areas, can anyone think of a good caption?
Those pics are gorgeous.......
Dude, I wanna go on a road trip...!
that looks gorgeous! i should do that someday!
Thank you for sharing your experiences through pics.
I've always dreamt of hiking through the national parks - but don't think I'll ever get to do it - so I'm living a little vicariously now that I'm able to through your post!
I'm so impressed with the sunsets.
Awesome pics especially the last sunrise one.
that's a great home away from home if i ever saw one!
amazing pics :)
i wanna go with you next time!!
but im bringing my own food! you have like half a zoo on that bbq!
DOVID: Thanks man, hey it's not my fault you "wasted" your vacation at home reading :p
SUPERS: It really was gorgeous, I highly recommend it to everyone, a week's vacation with some good friends, and just forget about everything else.
THEONLYWAY: My pleasure.
I really hope you do live to fulfill your dreams, glad to provide you with that vicarious feeling.
SOCIALW: Thanks, It was 5 in the morning and we had a couple of hours to kill (after being up driving all night and waiting to check into our next campsite) so we pulled over to a little scenic stop along the road and waited for sunrise... was truly zonked but I guess it was worth it.
SARAH: Thanks allot!
ANONYM00KIE: LOL! :) :) :)
Nice Pics!
now I'm starting to feel bad that I couldnt make it.
you inspired me to post a few pictures of some of my road trips on my blog. brings back tons of memories...
Gracias amigo! (thanks is getting old)
Hey I really did want to meet up with you guys, what a shame.
I'm so glad I inspired you, dude your pics are really "off the hook"
that bbq looks great!
mind to label the dudes please?
tip for the future-- usually the captions are underneath the pictures not on top of them. wtvr... awsome trip. cool to see guys can do scenic trips too!
Wow... that looks awesome... how comes we weren't invited?
Probably cause you didn't have snacks. Um --- anon - who cares where the captions are: did u have a problem understanding?
Forgot what else I wanted to say and too lazy to scroll, so later peops.
second to last pic wins
cant believe im sayin this about a photo shot outta israel but wow you should enter that into some kinda contest
nice nice nice
It looks like you guys had a great time: next time can you take me and the whole darn family????
(about the last photo- I would make a joke about shidduchim... but I won't)
RAFIG: oh it really was, we had a bbq every night! (Along with a 12 pack of beer ;)
ANON: Sorry, I try keeping this blog anonymous... And not trying to make this a shidduch blog.
Good point regarding the captions... I was in a major rush when posting, was helping my friend work on his deck and had my chavrusah bugging me to come learn already, thanks for pointing it out but I wont bother to correct it, maybe next time.
ESHET: LOL :) Four very hungry guys coming back from a busy active day...
S: Who is “we”? Wondering if I know who you are. (Feel free to e-mail)
Peanuts and Pringles, all the snacking we need.
SABRA: Todah rabah. Very nice of you.
KASAMBA: Welcome back!!!
Now why would you want to go on a camping trip with family (not that there is anything wrong with fam) but the whole point is to get away from it all and relax...
Wondering what the shidduch joke could be?
CS: sorry, I used to comment as "Footch" dunno why I switched to s... just forgot I guess...
find my new blog, ok? :)
ESHET: Four guys...
OK fine, public apology to all those who werent invited!
FOOTCH:! :) OHHHHHHH, k. Thanks for filling me in.
How the heck am I supposed to find your new blog??? Your new blog isnt linked on Levi's blog...
Wouldt mind if you would email me your new blog addresssssss
I wanna to do it again! next time either wyoming montana sida town or alaska.
WTF!!!!! where are the pictures of me naked? and why the hell did you put smiley faces by the ticklemenaked pond pic?
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