Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hey Y'all I'm back :) The road trip was awesome, I had a really chilled time.
I tried posting some RT pics but I'm having some problems with em so I'll leave that for another time.

Male/Female Observations:

Women love to talk on the phone. A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours.

Men’s phone conversations are over in 30 second flat.

A woman will dress up to go shopping, walk around the block, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, or get the mail.

A man will dress up for special occasions, such as HIS wedding, award ceremonies, oh and of course, HIS funeral.

Women will drive miles out of their way to avoid the possibility of getting lost using a shortcut.

Men NEVER get lost, they are simply trying to figure out new shortcuts.

Women do NOT want an honest answer to the question, 'How do I look?'

Notice to Men: There is no right answer to that question…

'Oh, nothing,' has an entirely different meaning in woman-language than it does in man-language.

If it is not Valentines day and you see a man in a flower shop, you can probably start up a conversation by asking, 'What did you do?'

Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This will get men arrested.

Women will spend hours dressing up to go out, and then they'll go out and spend more time checking out other women. Men can never catch women checking out other men; women will always catch men checking out other women.

The most embarrassing thing for women is to find another woman wearing the same dress at a formal party. You don't hear men say, 'Oh-my GOD, there's another man wearing a black tux, get me outta here!'


Theory regarding marriage

MAJORITY of girls during their single life will only have one (or two, or in some special cases maybe even three) best friends, best friends meaning that those are the friends they hang out and associate with, and other girls are just people they know, but have nothing really to do with them, I’m pretty sure if my sisters best friends (yes she has two of them) were out of town she would be bored out of her mind.

Majority of guys however have many, many friends. Sure there are cases where we have friends who are closer then others and who we hang out with more often, but the thing of having a BEST FRIEND doesn’t really apply in the male world. Guys have no problems hanging out with another guy or another crowd every other day, if my good friends are out of town I have no problem finding something to do with OTHER friends.

(Girls are a lot more dependent then guys are, in general and particularly with friends, guys are so much more independent.)

Now the point I’m getting to is what happens when a guy and girl get MARRIED.

A girls marries a guy with the assumption that she now has a new BEST FRIEND, of course I don’t mean it literally as in simply a best friend, of course its so much more then that, but the point is the girl is content just having her husband, and only having her husband around, all she wants and needs is that one person to be there for her, to hang out with, and to depend on. (Sorry but I’m still not clear on what happens to the girls best friend one she gets married… I can’t imagine they are half as close as before, or maybe they are?)

A guy on the other hand marries a girl and acquires a best friend as well (again of course I don’t mean it literally as it is obviously so much more then that!) but the point is although the guy is married and now has someone to be with forever, the rest of his friends are still there and still REMAIN good friends, even after marriage guys still have their friends and enjoy just hanging out with them.

Bottom line is that while the girl might be content being solely with her husband all day and spending all her time with him, and although guys love their wives dearly and don’t mind the least bit being with them (Especially if she is doing your laundry and cooking your dinner) guys however still want to hang out with other friends as well.

I’m writing this piece tfor all my married friends who might have nagging wives and have to deal with mind games and deal-making to get a night out with the boys (am I the only one who find listening to such conversations amusing?)

Husband: Honey my friends are in town, do you mind if I go out with them for a bit
Wife: Well I’m not really feeling that great but if you really want to go then I guess you can...
Husband: Oh come on dear, you know I would rather be with you, but I don’t get to hang out with my friends that often and I really want to go out for a bit I promise I wont be out to late.
Wife: Ok, Ok fine, if you really want to go then go, but try to make it home quick please.
Husband: No problem, we are just going over to *****’S house and I should be back around one.
Wife: Do you think maybe you can be back by 12?
Husbad: Sure honey.
Wife: Fine so I’ll call you around a quarter to 12…
Wife calls husbad by 11:30 to see if he is ready to come home yet.


Wife: Sweetie I’m going out with ****** and I might be back late…
Husbad: Ok, bye, see you later, call me when you get a chance.


At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you know sooo.. much about female life?? i'm a woman and I have a variety of friends. Yes, you're right, girls distance themselves from their friends once they're married. I think you should get married. Why don't the husband and wives go out together??

At 1:16 AM, Blogger anonym00kie said...

soooooooo true (the last part.. well actually the jokes too!)

its excrutiating for a woman when her man doesnt know how to be THE best can he possibly prefer spending time with those guy friends of his than with her!! it just makes no sense!

At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me about it?? why wouldn't he want to do eveything with her? like everything???????

At 1:54 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

ANONYMISS: Great name! :)
Well for starters I do have 5 sisters... So I'm entitled to know something about females... I think I'll leave it at that.
Glad you concur, and its nice to hear you think I should get married lol sorry but I'm still enjoying the single life.

Why don't the husband and wives go out together?? HUH???

ANONYMOOKIE: "it just makes no sense!" LOL remember best friend for guys and girl has a whole different meaning, When I get married Imy'h I look forward to being my wife's best friend and I hope she will want to go out with me as much as I want to go out and hang out with her, but why is is so hard to understand that guys still have friends when they are married and guys enjoy hanging out and kicking back with other guys even when they are married.

ANON: Everything? Hehe, good luck getting your husband to go shopping for shoes with you. (after the first couple of times)

At 3:08 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

can u please put up shorter posts!? didnt get past the valentine one-quite a funny one though.

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Sheesh! Come on Sabra, make believe like its a whole bunch of small posts or take a little break in every 10 lines, B'emet if you found it funny then why did you stop reading?

I would be honored to have your opinion regarding the second half of my post, so if you can get yourself to read it, please comment.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Pretty much on target very funny. Still have lots to learn about women but good start lol.

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disclaimer - not all girls are like that, I would give it a month and then why do you have to spend every waking minute together, it's good to also have some time apart.

However I do see the point that you are trying to bring out. Personally I have a "best friend" that got married recently and things have not changed much, now I hang out with her and her husband. It all depends on the person.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger in8paradox said...

You speak here of general female/male behavior, so while this may be true for the majority of females/males, there are many males who posess a "feminine soul" and vice-versa.

So you speak more of 2 different behaviors, one more common among men, and one more common among woman - but certainly not the behavior of a man or a woman per se. I say this since it is becoming more and more evident that many men really do think and feel much of this so-called "feminine emotionalism etc", but are reluctant to portray any such emotionalty due in part to thier supposed "maculiniity", social pressure etc etc

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

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At 1:56 PM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

i hoep those arent rules! very funny though. you should really start giving up on the woman vs man thing...we know that woman dress up more often, and talk too much.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

SOCIALW: Thanks, hopefully I'll figure out the rest after marriage.

DG: Not all girls but allot are, your right about the first month or so, all guys know not to even bother the guy within the first month or two, but after that we want our friends back. (if only for a little bit)

IN8PARADOX: Your right, as I wrote “MAJORITY” not every single male and female is like that but in general I think I'm right.

I was actually speaking to a married woman a few days ago and she said while she was dating she made it clear to her husband that she has no intention of dumping her good friends and will still be going out with them certain times after marriage and she hopes he will do the same with his friends...

FAYE: They might be... Come on its been a while since my last male/female post, but just for you I'll give it a break for a bit.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Mimi said...




Personally, if my husband read this, he woudn't be .oooooooooo1% closer to understanding me (as a "girl").

All the generalizations just dull male/female relationships, set up false expectations, harbor strange ideas.

But, still, an entertaining read.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Thanks MIMI, But personally I wrote this bearing in mind my male friends and hoping that their wives will perhaps understand THEM somewhat better.

I'll agree regarding generalizations... But for the sake of humor and conversation... Besides I don’t think anyone marries just any general girl, we all find that someone special who is different/better then others.

A phenomenal shabbos to all.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger the sabra said...

yay i read the whole thing. countless points for the sabra.
nah, glad i did. i like what you write. um must i get more detailed than that?

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

Good enough for me :)
Pat yourself on the back.


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