Tuesday, September 19, 2006


OMG! I came across this article yesterday and found it extremely disturbing, take your time and read it, and tell me what you think.

Shocking Things Girls Do to Barbie Dolls
If your daughter's Barbie doll has been scalped or beheaded--and you know her brothers are not to blame this time--do not be alarmed. It turns out that when girls outgrow their Barbie dolls, torturing them is commonplace.

That's the peculiar conclusion researchers at Great Britain's University of Bath reached after questioning approximately 100 children about their attitudes to a range of products as part of a study on branding. "The girls we spoke to see Barbie torture as a legitimate play activity and see the torture as a 'cool' activity," Agnes Nairn, one of the researchers, told The Associated Press. "The types of mutilation are varied and creative and range from removing the hair to decapitation, burning, breaking and even microwaving." Of all the products the researchers discussed with the kids, Barbie provoked the strongest reaction--and it was overwhelmingly negative with children reporting rejection, hatred and violence.

"The meaning of 'Barbie' went beyond an expressed antipathy; actual physical violence and torture towards the doll was repeatedly reported quite gleefully, across age, school and gender," Nairn explained to AP. Boys didn't have the same reaction to their action dolls; they felt nostalgia and affection instead. Nairn thinks renouncing Barbie is a rite of passage for many girls, who see the doll not as a treasured toy, but rather as an inanimate object. "The most readily expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown," she told AP. "Whilst for an adult the delight the child felt in breaking, mutilating and torturing their dolls is deeply disturbing, from the child's point of view they were simply being imaginative in disposing of an excessive commodity in the same way as one might crush cans for recycling."

What was Mattel's response to the Barbie mutilation trend? A spokesperson for Mattel U.K. told AP that despite the findings of "this very small group of children, we know that there are millions of girls in the U.K. and across the world that love and enjoy playing with Barbie and will continue to do so in the future." No doubt that's true. Here's an astounding fact, according to Mattel: Three Barbie dolls are sold every second somewhere in the world. End article.

And girls say that guys are weird!!! Tell me guys have you ever heard of anything more insane then this? So ok, guys do similar things as well, I’m sure I’m not the only guy that owned little army men as a kid and blew off a couple of their arms or legs… But that was war! Heck I might even have torn apart my teddy bears as a kid but it was never an act of revenge, I never wanted to torture the poor thing I mean its as the article goes “. Boys didn't have the same reaction to their action dolls; they felt nostalgia and affection instead.” You hear that girls, write that down please, and remember this the next time you might want to make a “ignorant” comment about how uncaring guys are! And they say girls are the caring ones, sure, if you consider decapitating your Barbie doll friends an act of caring, then I was born into the wrong world…

Ok now here is what’s really scaring me about girls "The most readily expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown,"

Long story short (if that’s possible at this point) imagine this…

A guy and a girl get married and they live happily together for 20 years and then C’v for some crazy reason the wife decides that is getting tired of their relationship, maybe she find it boring or maybe she feels like she has OUTGROWN it…

After reading the above article do I need to inform you guys what girls DO to things they have outgrow, and what the might be capable of? “Whilst for an adult the delight the child felt in breaking, mutilating and torturing their dolls is deeply disturbing, from the (girls) child's point of view they were simply being imaginative in disposing of an excessive commodity in the same way as one might crush cans for recycling." (Ok so she might be an adult now, but who is to guarantee that she is fully cured at this point from this madness)

So there it is fellas, don’t say I never warned you, if at some point in your marriage you notice your wife getting bored with you C”V and you see that crazy insane look in her eyes, well then thanks to me you know exactly what she is capable of doing at this point and my advice to you would be to drop whatever you are up too and make a run for the nearest exit and pray you make it out alive WITH YOUR HEAD STILL ON YOUR SHOULDERS!

For all single guys there is still hope! Please note:

"Despite the findings of this very small group of (female) children, we know that there are millions of girls in the U.K. and across the world that love and enjoy playing with Barbie and will continue to do so in the future."

Phew! thank G-d for that, good news guys, there are some normal ones out there, (note to self, this is no longer a reason to be worried about marriage) But still a word of caution from CS to all dating guys, make it a point that by the first or second time out, you ask your “aidel maidel” shidduch date this one specific question “So… what do YOU think of Barbie dolls?”


At 4:49 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

wait you mean there are other purposes to purchasin barbie dolls besides for punchin out the eyeballs and stabbin the rest of the shiny snotty plastic body?

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Dovid said...

HA! Dude, warning very appreciated. Noted and appreciated. Thank you dude. G-d bless those poor Barbie souls.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

JEMINA3: I found this flashing on my internet welcome screen I saw the title of "shocking things girls do to their Barbie’s" and I was hooked.

LOL I'm going to look deep into her eyes the 3rd date and ask her "So do you think your in any way sadistic" (if she whacks me across the face then its a definite sign that she is.)

THESABRA: AHHHhhhhhhhhh! *CS Runs for cover.

THENEXTC: Hehe, You said it.

Hold on a sec, does this mean there is not one single sane girl reading my blog!? Shoots I'm always attracting the Looney’s, what did I do to deserve this ;)

DOVID: Be scared brother, the threat is real, as proven by all my nutty female commentors, and as you said baruch dayan haemes, sniff sniff, those poor dolls who were torn apart just for being who they were, what a cruel injustice, I'm sure they all get a special place in Barbie heaven.

A man walks into a store to buy a Barbie doll for his daughter. "How much is that Barbie in the window?", he asks the shop assistant.

In a manner she responds, "Which Barbie? We have Barbie Goes to the Gym for $19.95, Barbie Goes to the Ball for $19.95, Barbie Goes Shopping for $19.95, Barbie Goes to the Beach for $19.95, Barbie Goes Nightclubbing for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $395.00. "

The guy asks, "Why is Divorced Barbie different from all the others ?

"That's obvious," the assistant states, "Divorced Barbie comes with Ken's house, Ken's car, Ken's boat, Ken's furniture... (and maybe even one of Ken's friends, ouch!)

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL true true, so was this your way of trying to start up a bigger discussion and get more comments from all the nutty girls out there?

At 6:58 PM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I have heard of this many times. Interesting read.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Sara with NO H said...

We're going for beers tonight?

About barbies, I used to try to cut my barbies hair and screwed up so bad that I had to completely destroy the barbie. I think my sister and I poked their eyes out and pulled their heads off and switched different heads for different bodies and stuff. I never thought a thing of it.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

DG: Thanks, and trust me, if I ever wanted to whole a real blogger discussion, I''ve got plenty of other things to write about, which makes it kinda tuff on me ‘cuz I do like comments but the thing is this is a humor blog, (not some brainy intellectual waste of time ;) which means mostly keeping things simple so everyone can enjoy it...

And btw, I seriously never predicted that all the guys would get so freaked out and run over this post, while all the nutty girls would come and comment.

JEWISH: Hmm I guess that makes you one of the normal ones then, congrats!

SOCIAL: You mean you knew about this all along and never cared to warn the world about it?!

SARA: :) Oh sorry I have a wedding to go to tonight, but your more then welcome to join me at the bar with some whiskey sours.

What! So first you give it a bad haircut and then as if that wasn’t bad enough you had to go and destroy the poor thing :(

Sheeesh remind me when I get married NEVER to let my wife give me a hair cut, I'm scared to know what would happen if she were to mess up...

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Sara with NO H said...

ok so are we going for beers tomorrow night? and mens hair is much easier to cut

At 10:02 PM, Blogger the sabra said...

Alrighty, fellow nutty female commenters, listen up! It's time we unite against the shaigitz, chassidishe or not, and show him what we think of his glamorous insults against us. Get out your Barbie tongs/knives/screwdrivers and....

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Sara with NO H said...

Aww jbf, it's all in good humor and fun. Smile hun.

At 12:03 AM, Blogger anonym00kie said...

what a bunch of scaredy cats you guys are..

At 2:39 AM, Blogger Jo said...

wait... Barbies are babyish? Maybe I should stop playing with them... kidding.
I don't know anyone that destroyed their toys. I think with frum Jewish girls, they either give their toys to their younger sisters or donate them. Some even keep them for when they have kids.
"destruction leads to a very rough road / but it also breeds creation"

At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed! Girls are impossible! One minute they love you and the next minute they want to decapitate you!

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the reason we mutilate our barbies is b/C to us its all FAKE,PLASTIC,INANIMATE,NADA!! Freak its A DOLL!

u MEN scare me mixing reality with fantasy. to u ur toys r very real.living. u need them for empowerment....as an adult it translates into cars,money,yada,yada.

oy! its u guys who r trully scary.
do u mistake girls for objects?? hmmmm...

well,chow...i must go my dollies r waiting in their torture chambers...nheheheheheheh(evil crackle)

At 3:09 AM, Blogger the sabra said...

(are you rubbing your hands together in eager anticipation?)

At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys are running away? Too scared to post? I am one of the only guys who ever posts here, its always mosttly you chicks who are commenting. And I was on the road (and air) for the past 2 days without internet access.

Dude, this is scary stuff. I am just finding out now that all the stereotypes about guys and girls are only so on the surface, but in reality it is just the opposite. Guys are supposed to be the ones who are ruthless savages, but in reality it is just that we are not scared to do the physical jobs that need to get done. girls on the other hand...well this post speakes for itself. Then there is the presumption that guys are scared to ask for directions, in reality girls are too scared to go anywhere if they dont know exactly how to go. Us guys on the other hand are not scared to learn our way around. Whenever we realise that we wont find our way, or if we don't have the time to figure it out ourselves, we wont hesitate to ask. But this post is scary stuff. Now I will never look at a date the same way.

JewishBi: Take a chill girl, sometimes things just need to be told as they are. as far as him deleting your comment, hey he wants to keep this a family friendly blog. thats his choice.

At 5:19 AM, Blogger kasamba said...

So THAT's the new shidduch question????

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

SARA: Depends on my hangover...
Much easier to cut, but once you mess up there is no hiding it.

JEWISH: Oy! Just for you, public apology for any females whom I might have offended.

I already told you why I deleted that comment... No I'm not perfect but, oh I just cant go on, I'm sorry.

SARA: Thanks...

ANONYM00KIE: Well after reading a post such as this one, wouldnt you run for cover ;)

INTRANSIT: :) Its ok I won’t say anything, as long as you haven’t ripped their heads off.

Another reason to love being Jewish.

Also great quote, but I don’t see how you can apply that to Barbie torture.

GUY: LOL, Run! Run! Run while you can :)

ANON: hey all because its fake, doesn’t mean its right to mutilate it, why if my mom ever gave me a action figure and I were to burn it, she would think twice before getting me another one.

I personally disagree with your next line (Maybe other men ARE different) and I really have no clue what you’re getting at about mixing fantasy with reality, Puleaze.

Do I mistake girls for objects?!?!?! Give me a break, don’t even go there.

SABRA: More like rubbing my temples due to this sudden headache ;)

G: Welcome back dude :) ;) :)

Thanks for backing me up, I'm with you all the way, whatever it is you wrote.

THENEXT: I really can’t bring myself to think of a single bright thing to say in reply right now so 2 points for you.

KASAMBA: Hey, better safe then dead :p

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...

PGE: Thank you for having a sense of humor

At 12:40 PM, Blogger the sabra said...

err i was actually talking to the commenter above me. (do all guys think the world revolves around them? cuz you do know what is done to barbies who think so...)

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhh so the guys are loosing interest in “Barbie” and the girls freaking out that they are. So I propose a challenge. Guys you come with your little action figures and girls you come with your Barbie and together we start “chopping” heads off. The first group to complete the mission will be proclaimed the ...

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even think of a word that would express what I'm thinking.

CS: Did u post this is reponse to previous comments that you have to deal out something controversial in order to give pple something what to comment about... In that case, well done.

(as "the OTHER roomy" might put it - ::walks away exasperated::)

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS Did I mention that I didn't really read it after the first paragraph...(ok and the last)

But I DID read all the comments. I think I got the gist of it.

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i wasnt trying to make any philosophocal assumptions..i was just toying with the idea.
having fun.

besides i didnt mean YOU in particular think of girls as objects....neway what the hell.. to me ur just some guy with a deformed simpson head!:)

speaking of heads,wheres my ax,a have a sudden urge....nheheheh

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Faye Spalter said...

I was barbie craaazy but i dont think i ever did that! My barbie's are all in tact! well all except that one that i practiced on when i thought i wanted to be a "haircutter" when i grew up...


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