Chag Kosher V'sameach!

CS Theory
“Mosses saw that no matter how hard he pleaded and begged pharaoh wasn’t going to let the jews go, so seeing no alternative he was forced to bring the final plague… he sent forth his dear mother in law to negotiate with king pharaoh.
5 minutes later the jews were free. It seems pharaoh was so terrified of the dreaded mother-in-law plague that he actually demanded that the Jews leave right away. Unfortunately the jews had absolutely no time to prepare and subsequently they had nothing to eat for their journey into the desert.
Most jewish wives did what jewish women do in general when there is nothing to eat, which is to send their husbands to the local Chinese dinner, but it seemed their luck had run out as the hour was late and all the Chinese restaurants were closed! Sad to say cooking chicken or yummy schnitzel wasn’t an option as the jews had recently discovered that there was something fishy with their local shochet, and cow/steak would have been wonderful but alas they were all stricken with the terrible “Pissed off/Mad cow disease”.
But praise the Lord who is forever merciful the jews finally stumbled upon a source of late night food… hidden somewhere in the deserted Egyptian alleyways the tired and hungry Hebrew came across a greasy yet tasty “shwarma falafel” joint owned by one of their own Israeli brethren! And so it was that as the Jews left Egypt each one was munching happily on a LAFFA filled with LAMB SHAWRMA, which they spoke about forever due to some BITTER spread called SCHUG with had them all running for the bathrooms the next day…”
So there you have it guys, it was LAFFA not MATZAH the jews were eating as they left Egypt! I mean think about it, same shape and same size (both are thin and round,) and ok the name is a bit off, but hey they rhyme! And no it aint the lamb of the Korban pesach we mention each year by the seder, it was the freakin shwarma! And let’s not forget about the Schug/bitter herb…
Now just think about it, instead of matza and marror, we’d be having laffa and shwarma (with some hot peppers and some schug) for pesach!

Now that's what I call a sandwich! (Mmmm guess what I'm having for Korech ;)
Ok before I drive meself meshugah over that one here is another one of my Theories.
Skip all the halacha excuses and lets just get to the real reason why we stay away from kitnious on pesach.
MATAZAH = Constipation
Anyone need me to explain???
Wishing you all a kosher and freilichen pesach!
Next/This/ year in Jerusalem! (With shwarma!)
aleph, ur mishugeh
beis, i like ur maiseh only cuz of the israeli shawarma thrown in there.
o wait, the mother in law bit was funny too.
gimmel, its nice when ur posts are from you vs copy n pasted.
not funny.
Title: Schug (Hot Green Chili Chutney)
Yield: 1 Servings
1 bn (abt 2 c) fresh coriander,
-leaves o; nly
1 sm (8 cloves) garlic, peeled
1 tb salt
6 oz fresh hot green chili,seeded
1/4 ts pepper
2 tb ground cuminseed
4 pods cardamon, seed only or
1/2 ts ground cardamon
4 whole cloves, broken up
Yemenites have a great tolerance for hot chili, which came to them as
an immigrant from Central America -- even reaching isolated mountain
communities of Yemenite Jews. 1. Process all ingredients to a
relatively smooth paste. Store in a jar w/tight cover. Refrigerate.
Use in cooking as well as for a table condiment.
Recipe: "Sephardic Cooking" by Copeland Mark -- 600 Recipes Created
in Exotic Sephardic Kitchens from Morocco to India -- Copyright 1992
Published by Donald I. Fine, Inc., New York, N.Y. David Pileggi
now THAT'S funny
seems your theory on matza being laffa aint all that far-fetched.
some people actually agreed wen i i brought it up at the seder -
do you think that wen the jews left egypt they made sure to roll their dough super-thin and had rollers to poke holes in them?
..and did they wear white paper hats when they made it? and what about aprons?
Ok the ban on kitniyus....HYSTERICAL!!! (tho it rings too true... ;))
Oh my, you are strange.
Why is your readership predominately female?
SABRA: Ok so let me get this straight, I'm not allowed to tell you that you make me meshugeh but you are allowed to call me meshugeh!? C'mon how where’s the fairness in that :(
Humor is humor ,copying and pasting is just so less time consuming and much more convenient especially when one isn’t that interested in spending much time blogging. But then again there are always those brainstorm moments of something truly blogworthy.
Oh good job by you noticing I posted a link for schug, but ya coulda pointed it out without pasting the whole recipe in comment ya know :p
AMOM: Your comment timing is perfectly in sync with the sab, almost as if you were sitting right near each other. Hmmmm.
Not funny... gota joke about it while I can :)
CHANA: LOL I couldn’t convince anyone by my seder :( they even made me throw out my yummy shwarma laffa! ;)
And yeah I'm with ya on the super thin dough theory; c'mon one would think they were making pancakes.
SABRA hehehe the plot thickens.
CHAYA: Oysh you have no idea.
SPICY!!!: You! :) (Speaking of obsessions and addictions,) what would it take to get you to visit me blog more then once every few months?
Told ya its a funny thing, I know plenty of guys who read my blog, yet most of them stick to blurking :(
i laugh
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