Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things
(Sung to the tune of "These are a few of my favorite things")

Cleaning and cooking and so many dishes
Out with the hametz, no pasta, no knishes
Fish that's gefillted, horseradish that stings
These are a few of our passover things.

Matzoh and karpas and chopped up haroset
Shankbones and kiddish and yiddish neuroses
Tante who kvetches and uncle who sings
These are a few of our Passover things.

Motzi and maror and trouble with Pharoahs
Famines and locusts and slaves with wheelbarrows
Matzah balls floating and eggshell that cling
These are a few of our Passover things.

When the plagues strike
When the lice bite
When we're feeling sad
We simply remember our Passover things
And then we don't feel so bad.

Q:What do you call someone who derives pleasure from the bread of affliction?

A: A matzochist!

:) Am I the only one smiling at that joke?

A Gut Moed,

P.S. Dont forget to count the Omer.


At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. looks who's up early!!
Did you write that song? I like it.
The cartoons are great!!!!

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz said...


Nopes didn't write it, just liked it. I must have sang it 10 times already. Me thinking it should be one of the official pesach seder songs...

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q:What do you call someone who derives pleasure from the bread of affliction?

A: A matzochist!

;) iiii liiiike iiii liiiike

At 2:37 AM, Blogger C said...

hehe...that would def make the seder a bit more interesting... keep some of us awake...

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg that really reminded me to count the omer. thanks!


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